Rescheduling the loan by extending the tenure

Estimated Time:

An hour and a half


The Fund`s main center

 - Amman  The General Administration

- The Legal Affairs Department.

Estimated Fee:

1% of the total amount due. 

  • Description
  • Procedures
  • Required Documents
  • Persons benefiting from the service
  • Files
  • Related Services

Conditions for obtaining service

  1. The loan must be a default one.
  2. The remaining term for loan repaying less than 36 months.
  3. . A legal proceeding has been taken at least in relation to the loan.



Partner institutions:

The department or entities which the new guarantor works for or the borrower if the scheduling requires that.


  1. The applicant refers to the Legal Affairs Department.
  2. Negotiating the client to identify reasons behind the loan default.
  3. Agreeing upon procedures to solve the loan default.
  4. Presenting the agreement results to the Central Collection Commission and request scheduling approval.
  5. In case of approval, the applicant submits a request to the Legal Affairs after being signed  at the Bureau and given an incoming reference number to proceed in the scheduling.
  6. Proceeding in the scheduling as agreed upon:
  • Addressing the Financial Department to restrict the lawyer fees, if any  and restrict 1% of the entitlement balance .
  • The scheduling installment is 50% of the amount due and enhancing securities by an additional personal guarantor or a source of income.
  • Or paying 25% of the amount due and an additional guarantor by transferring a deduction from his or one of the guarantors` salaries.
  • Addressing the Public Service Office to insert the new guarantors.
  1. The applicant executes the proceedings agreed upon.
  2. Submitting the whole file to the Financial Department to execute the settlement restrictions and give the file a new loan No.

Required Documents

1. It depends upon the scheduling proceedings agreed upon.

Persons benefiting from the service

The borrower/ the guarantor of defaulted loans.


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