disclose address

Estimated Time:

one huor


Civil Status and Passport Offices.
Jordanian embassies and consulates abroad

Estimated Fee:

• No fees
• A fine of 10 dinars in case of Over two years and address did not disclosed.
• A fine of 10 dinars in case of Over 30 days in changing the address and Did not disclosed.

  • Description
  • Procedures
  • Required Documents
  • Persons benefiting from the service
  • Files
  • Related Services

Conditions for obtaining service

• The request submitted by the paterfamilias or his representative • All Jordanian over the age of 18 years disclosing their address by the application form that prepared for this purpose. • Disclosing the address must be within two years Starting from 05.19.2015. • The citizen must within thirty days from the date of any change at the disclosing address inform the department of this change. • The ministries and government departments and official institutions must connect with the department to request the address by official letter.


It must explain to citizen the disclose address form if it different from the residence  place installer our  will be not appear on the documents that adopted for the purposes of reporting Judicial, administrative and financial issued by government ministries and official institutions

Partner institutions:



• Visiting of audience service office and filing an application form of providing customised service to disclose address then getting the turn number.
• Visit the admissions officer on the counter for enter it to database program for disclosing address.
• Save incoming transactions to the office in the customized files
• Save official letters received from government departments and official institutions with sent official letters for it in special dossiers.
• Converting the request to to the archive section to archive a saved transaction .

Required Documents

- Application form of disclose address.
- Acknowledged of the paterfamilias / wife or Their representatives.
- Official letter from the ministries and government departments and official institutions to request the address

Persons benefiting from the service

Jordanian citizens Ministries ,government departments,official public institutions and municipalities.


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