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Organizational Chart
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Agricultural Credit Corporation
Organizational Chart

Administrative Organization


And the Executive Cadre of the Corporation


Board of Directors:

The Board of Directors comprises the Minister of Agriculture as Chairman, the Director General as a Deputy Chairman, two governmental members representing the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning in addition to five non-governmental members assigned for three years upon a Cabinet resolution.


The Board of Directors is responsible for sketching the overall policy of the Corporation, defining the credit bases and rules, and drawing the general frame of the organizational and financial procedures required for work and its smooth follow at the several cadres of the Corporation.


However, the Board of Directors holds its sessions on a regular monthly basis or whenever necessary. During 2001, the Board held ten sessions where the relevant resolutions were discussed and made in terms of the financial, credit, collection and administrative issues.

The Organizational Structure of the Corporation

The Organizational Structure of the Corporation comprises the Board of Directors, and the executive cadre. The latter comprises the Director General, his deputy, and the Director General assistants, and the following directorates and sections.


·            Directorate of Administrative Affairs

·            Directorate of Financial and Banking Affairs

·            Directorate of Financial and Administrative Control

·            Directorate of Public and International Relations

·            Directorate of Credit Affairs

·            Directorate of Studies and Planning