Description | Effective 9.7.2005 |
1st. Tariff From NEPCO : | |
a- Distribution Electricity Companies / EDCO | |
a/1 peak load (JD/KW/month) | 2.4 |
a/2 day supply (fils/KWH) | 33.56 |
a/3 night supply (fils/KWH) | 23.51 |
b- tariff for large consumers | |
b/1 peak load (JD/KW/month) | 2.4 |
b/2 day supply (fils/KWH) | 48.0 |
b/3 night supply (fils/KWH) | 33.5 |
2nd tariff for retail distribution : | |
a- Ordinary Consumers: | |
1-first category from 1-60 KWH monthly (fils/KWH) | 31 |
2- Second category from 161-300 KWH monthly (fils/KWH) | 59 |
3- Third category from 301-500 KWH monthly (fils/KWH) | 67 |
4- Fourth category more than 500 KWH monthly (fils/KWH) | 82 |
b- Broadcast and Television (fils KWH) | 61 |
c- Commercial Consumers (fils/KWH) | 63 |
d- Small Industries (fils/KWH) | 41 |
e- Medium Industries | |
1- peak load (JD/KW/month) | 3.05 |
2- day supply (fils/KWH) | 38 |
3- night supply (fils/KWH) | 28 |
f- Agriculture (fils/KWH) | 31 |
g- Water Pumping (fils/KWH) | 40 |
h- Hotels (fils/KWH) | 60 |
i- Street Lighting * | 30 |
j- Armed Forces | 67 |
k- Port Corporation | 46.6 |
NB : The lowest level for monthly consumption: a- ordinary consumers b- rest of consumers | One dinar 1.25 dinar |