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Organizational Chart
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Ministry of Agriculture
Organizational Chart

The Ministry’s Organizational Structure:


In order for the Ministry to perform its duties and tasks, the following main and branch administrative units, the numbers of which are mentioned, were established to perform specific tasks and duties, that, at the final count, lead to achieving the general objective of the Ministry.


·         Central administrations in the Ministry’s headquarters 8 administrations.

·         Central directorates in the Ministry’s headquarters                20 directorates.

·         Independent units in the Ministry’s headquarters                  4 units.

·         Governorate directorates, the Royal Palaces and the

Jordan Valley                                                                 14 directorates.

·         Agricultural directorates in the provinces                            22 directorates

·         Agricultural centers/ quarantines                                       32 centers.

·         Agricultural stations/ nurseries                                          34 station and


·         Projects                                                                       8 projects.