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Ministry of Environment
Organizational Chart

Financial and Administrative Directorate

The Tasks:

·            Preparation of the Draft annual budget, as well as supervising financial affairs and organizing and auditing expenditure documents and preparing reports and monthly financial positions of the different items of the corporation's budget.

·            Keeping and Following up financial documents.

·            Following up the administrative issues of the corporation such as the incoming and outgoing correspondences.

·            Providing means of transportation and maintaining them to serve the employees.

·            To properly keep the registers of supplies and what belongs to the corporation from appliances and furniture and others and follow up their disposal and maintenance.

·            Following up issues pertaining to maintenance and cleanness of the building of the corporation and the directorates affiliated with it.


·            The Bureau.

·            Personnel Department.

·            Supplies Department.

·            Transportation Department.

·            The Library.

·            Accounting Department.

Legal Affairs Directorate

Tasks of the Legal Department:

·            Participation in setting up draft laws, regulations as well as instructions related to environmental affairs.

·            Participation in performing agreements and contracts related to environmental issues and matters whether local, regional or international.

·            Adoption of the legal opinion issued by the legal department as a basic reference for all environmental issues.

·            The study of presenting legal opinions in matters related to environmental issues.

·            The representation of the General Corporation for the Environment Protection in conferences, seminars on issues pertaining to any special environmental agreements or contract.

·            Participation in any committees pertaining to any of the environmental affairs, which entails legal obligation whether, it was by virtue of legislations, contract and agreements.

·            Performing any investigation or participating in any investigating committees in environmental issues.

· Performing any legal tasks, which are delegated to it by his Excellency the Director General.

Environmental Impact Assessment Directorate

· Directorate Duties:

·            Set up the basis for the process of Environmental Impact Assessment.

·            Set up the basis should be followed for licensing all kind of activities.

·            Monitoring and follow up the projects being licensed to make sure that they applied the Environmental Conditions.

·            Coordination with other directorates in GCEP.

·            Following up all agreements related to EIA.

·            Organizing workshops and seminars on EIA.


·            Licensing

·            Monitoring

Air Protection Directorate


·            Issuance of specifications and standards specifying the percentages of pollutants allowed in the air.

·            Determining the locations of sites, which are considered a source of air pollution.

·            Executing the centers and regulations for supervision and testing of quality of air in the Kingdom.

·            Supervision of air-pollution diffusion and its sources; and take actions to control its diffusion.

·            Regulating and supervision the processes of burning fuel for the purpose of generating of energy and others by individuals or public and private organizations.

·            Controlling the effects of processes of treatment of garbage in all ways and means used for this purpose.

·            Controlling the diffusion of organic vapors to comply with the specifications and standards and percentage limits specified.

·            Determine the sources of noise and setting-up the specification of its upper limit for those sources and the methods of avoiding it or lessening of it to the lowest limit allowed.

Water Protection Directorate

This summary contains all activities achieved by water protection directorate(WPD) which includes; fieldwork, meetings, reports, coordination with the other directorates in the General Corporation for the Environment Protection (GCEP), tasks of WPD and the recommendations to develop the performance of the WPD. The most critical turning point in the performance of WPD is the unjustified decision taken by X- administration of GCEP regarding the interior changes between staff, which has led to start totally with new staff.

Tasks of the directorate

·            Monitoring drinking water quality periodically in coordination with the concerned parties.

·            Monitoring the quality of effluents of wastewater treatment plants and submit recommendations with the concerned parties.

·            Monitoring the hot spots that may negatively affect the quality of surface and ground water and taking action to control them.

·            Cooperation and coordination with the other directorates in GCEP to improve the performance and to avoid duplication.

·            Raising awareness through the participation of the seminars, lectures and specialized scientific conferences inside and outside the kingdom.

Land and Nature Conservation Directorate

The organizational structure of the General Corporation for the Environment Protection included establishing Land and Nature Conservation Directorate pursuant to the Environment Protection Law No. 12 / 1995 whereas it shall perform the following tasks:

The Tasks of the Directorate:

·            Setting up of the basis and conditions for establishing natural reserves and national parks and monitoring them and all issues pertaining to them.

·            Preserving biodiversity and equally protecting genetic, botanical and zoological resources through preparing a national plan and implementing all projects required for that.

·            Monitoring the behavior of the different environmental systems and the reciprocal influence between man and its biosphere.

·            Working on protecting environment in countryside and agricultural areas from pollution by organic substances, chemicals as well as studying the environmental effects of transferring agricultural technology.

·            Examining and monitoring the effects of biological techniques on environment especially the international techniques for safety in the field of genetic resources.

·            Working on protecting wetlands and wild species geographical position.

·            Setting up the strategy and a national working plan to combat desertification as well as implementing the appropriate projects in cooperation and coordination with the relevant authorities.

·            Monitoring the sources of soil pollution and preparing the standards and specifications for their pollutants.

·            Studying the sites of developmental projects and their effects on land and nature resources.

·            Monitoring the execution of international agreements and their national obligations regarding the work of the directorate through preparing plans, projects and programs pertaining to them.

The Organizational Structure of the Directorate:

·            Environment Conservation Department.

·            Land Conservation Department.

·            In addition to Biodiversity Unit.

Internal Inspection Directorate

One of the tasks of this directorate is to ensure the implementation of all decisions taken in the corporation, the veracity of the procedures related to it , exercising its functions and tasks effectively including the provisions of materials , tools and equipment required for performing the work and carrying out financial and administrative auditing

The Tasks of the Directorate:

·            Following up and making sure to apply what is stipulated in Laws, regulations and effective official statements regarding financial aspects

·            Auditing expenditure documents with their enclosures and making sure to complete the stages of spending them

·            Auditing all issues pertaining to supplies Department and periodical purchases and their registers

·            Auditing all procedures of the personnel Department with regard to appointment, promotion and raises

·            Auditing cars traffic and all issues related to it

Environmental Inspection Directorate

·            The Tasks of the Directorate:

·            Conducting field surveys of biological constructions that generate hazardous wastes in the Kingdom to examine them qualitatively and quantitatively

·            Monitoring the sources that generate hazardous chemical wastes and limiting their types to ensure that they will not be thrown in unlicensed areas in order to preserve the soil, ground water, and public health, and finding the appropriate solutions to reduce their amounts

·            Applying international agreements related to chemical substances and hazardous waste sand participating in setting up new international agreements, as work progress requires.

·            Executing the items of Basel convention concerning the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and managing them and what emerges from its meetings as recommendations since the corporations represents the governmental connecting link to supervise the items of the convention and coordinating with the relevant ministries.

·            Preparing and arranging the required legislations to enforce the process of managing chemical substances and hazardous wastes in coordination with the relevant authorities.

·            Setting up the regulations and instructions to manage hazardous wastes in coordination with the relevant authorities.

·            Choosing the sites of waste dumps in coordination with the relevant authorities and using the appropriate one.

·            Preparing project's proposals pertaining to managing solid wastes and participating in supervising them.

·            Monitoring the performance of waste dumps through field rounds and gathering the information related to solid wastes and classifying them.

Departments of the directorates:

·            Department of managing chemical substances and hazardous waste.

·            Department of managing solid wastes.