Government Ministries & Entities >  Municipality of Greater Amman >  General Information
General Information
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Municipality of Greater Amman
General Information

·            The Municipality of Greater Amman is a financially independent national organization (a municipality in all aspects), managed by a Municipal Board of (40) members, including the Mayor (Board Chairman). The Municipal Board is the highest authority in the Municipality.

·            Twenty individuals, who are citizens of Amman, are elected as members of the Board, while another (20) are assigned from among official, commercial and economic dignitaries and other service departments in town.

·            The Mayor of Amman is appointed from among the members of the Municipal Board, by a decision from the Cabinet, and the Assistant Mayor is elected from the Board members by all (40) members.

·            The duration of the Council is four years.

·            The Mayor of Amman heads the Municipal Council, and a number of committees emanate from the Board, and are authorized by the Board to facilitate the management of the Municipality. These are:


1.        The Local Organization Committee (in the areas).

2.        Naming and Numbering Committee.

3.        Green Areas Committee.

4.        Supplies and Works Committee.

5.        Expropriation and Property Committee.

6.        Financial Committee.

7.        Personnel Committee.

8.        Health Committee.

9.        Cultural and Social Committee.

10.    Legal Committee.

11.    Development Committee.

12.    District Committee for Zoning and Buildings.


·            Tasks, Responsibilities and Authorities of Municipal Procedures Within the City Boundaries:


1.        Planning of town and streets.

2.        Building licenses.

3.        Water.

4.        Electricity and gas.

5.        Sewage.

6.        Public markets.

7.        Handicrafts and industries.

8.        Land and sea transport media and methods.

9.        Hotels.

10.    Public places.

11.    Public decorum.

12.    Parks.

13.    Fire fighting and protection.

14.    Flooding prevention.

15.    Disaster relief.

16.    Cultural and sports institutions.

17.    Food products.

18.    Inspection of slaughtered animals and establishing slaughterhouses.

19.    Cleanliness.

20.    Health control.

21.    Public health.

22.    Cemeteries.

23.    Protection from dangers.

24.    Mendicancy (begging).

25.    Lottery and gambling

26.    Employment offices.

27.    Civil defense.

28.    Peddlers, stands and kiosks.

29.    Advertisements.

30.    Demolition of dilapidated buildings.

31.    Weights.

32.    Scales.

33.    Road excess land.

34.    Dogs.

35.    Sumpters (pack animals).

36.    Budget, discontinuation of accounts and personnel.

37.    Spending the Municipality funds.

38.    Other tasks: Any other task required by this law or any other legislation applicable in the Kingdom.


It is noteworthy that since the Municipalities Law was issued in 1955, numerous other laws were issued transferring municipal tasks to other ministries or corporations, such tasks were:


1.        Water.

2.        Electricity and gas.

3.        Sewers building.

4.        Control of transport media.

5.        Control and organization of hotels.

6.        Maintaining public manners and decorum.

7.        Fire fighting and protection.

8.        Building hospitals and other medical care centers.

9.        Establishment and control of cultural, sports and music institutions.

10.    Prevention of mendicancy (begging) and the establishment of old peoples’ homes and control of charity funds collection.

11.    Establishment and control of employment agencies.

12.    Control of lottery and gambling.

13.    Control of weights, measurements and metrology.


As a result, councils are left with (26) tasks from the original (39) tasks mentioned in the law.


·            The city was divided administratively into (20) districts; each considered a small municipality offering all services required by citizens directly and without referring to the Central Municipal Offices, excluding zoning and planning functions, which are carried out centrally in the Municipality main offices.


These districts are: Al Madina, Basman, Marka, Al Nasr, Al Yarmouk, Ras Al Ain, Badr, Zahran, Al Abdali, Tareq, Al Quwaismeh, Khraibet Al Souq, Al Muqablain, Al Jubaiha, Wadi Al Sir, Sweileh, Tlaa Al Ali, Shafa Badran, Badr Al Jadidah, Abu Nseir.
