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General Information
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Anticorruption Commission
General Information

About Us

ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMISSION established in 2006 under the Anti-Corruption Commission Law (No. 62) for the year 2006, it is connected directly to the Prime Minister, it shall have a legal personality with financial and administrative independence, and has the right to take all the necessary legal actions to achieve its objectives and the conclusion of contracts and litigation, the District Attorney represents the ACC in the legal procedures and the General Attorney represents the ACC in the administrative Cases. ACC has the right to exercise its duties and actions freely and independently. 


ACC exercised its authority on 19/3/2007, after the oath before His Majesty the King. Recently ACC managed by a board consisting of a Chairman and six members:

1- His Excellency Samih m Bino / Chairperson

2- Dr Mohamad Adeinat / Member

3- Eng Sanaa Hkmat Mahyar/Member

4-  Dr. Abderrazaq Bani Hani/Member

5-  Mr. Abdalkareem Q Gharaibe/Member

6- Mr Ramzi Nuzha/Member

7-Prof Fayyad Melfi AlQudah/Member
