To acquire Jordanian nationality
Any person, other than Jordanian, not incapacitated, with the following conditions, may apply direct to the Cabinet for acquisition of citizenship certificate. The Cabinet reserves the right to accept or reject the request:
· His normal stay in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for four years before the request for citizenship (Cabinet with His Majesty the King's approval, may do without this condition once the person is an Arab, with certain circumstances and achieves public interests.
· Has the intension to stay in the Kingdom
· Non conviction case
· To speak and read Arabic
· A person with good conduct
· He enjoys sense, good not mentally retarded or with disabilities so he is not a burden to the society.
· He has a legal business for living, he does not emulate Jordanians where they work
His Majesty the King according to the Cabinet's recommendations may grant the Jordanian citizenship to every immigrant (every Arab born in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan or in the occupied part of Palestine and then evacuated to Jordan, the same is applicable to his sons), this immigrant applies to get the citizenship provided that he leaves out his original nationality.
Wives of Jordanians:
· Foreign wives: in case date of marriage after 1/10/1987, she reserves the right to apply for the citizenship acquisition according to Minister of interior approval after 5 years of marriage, she reserves the right to maintain her nationality by her own volition.
· Arab wives: just like the previous case except for period of marriage which is here 3 years. She may leave out her Jordanian nationality obtained by marriage whenever she expresses her desire to.
· The Jordanian wife, whether foreigner or an Arab, with marriage date before 1/10/1987, she is considered Jordanian without any conditions or approvals once her marriage contract was legal.
To relinquish Jordanian nationality
· Every Jordanian has the right to abandon his nationality and replace it by foreign one upon receiving an approval from the Cabinet. In this case, he maintains his Jordanian nationality unless he leaves it out in accordance with Jordanian citizenship act No. 6 for 1954.
· Every Jordanian may relinquish his nationality and replace it by Arab one.
Instructions to relinquish Jordanian Nationality
· To fill up the relevant application form available at the embassies and consulates and sign before consul.
· To pay relinquish fees or fees of getting another nationality
· The application form is to be sent to Passports and civil status department to proceed the transaction.
· For temporary passport holder/west bank, are asked to fill up certain forms, pay legal fees, to be reviewed by the law regulations.
· For temporary passport holder/ Gazza, being non-Jordanians, their passports received, sent to passports and civil status department to cancel and file.
· The Jordanian is considered relinquished upon receipt of Cabinet's approval
· To relinquish the nationality, all Jordanian documents obtained previously from passports and civil status department must be returned back and surrendered prior to acceptance to relinquish nationality.
Loosing Jordanian nationality:
· If enrolled in military service in favor of foreign country without permission from the Cabinet, refused to leave the service when asked to, he looses his nationality.
· If he performs dangerous acts to the country safety
General Rules:
· Jordanian woman married to non-Jordanian and received his nationality, may maintain her original nationality unless otherwise advised.
· She reserves the right to restore her nationality once the marriage contract terminated for a reason or so.
· Sons of Jordanians are Jordanians wherever born
· Majority son, whose father received a foreign nationality, maintains his Jordanian nationality.
· Once a person captured a Jordanian nationality, he shall within 90 days of having that citizenship refer to the concerned office to register his family records for civil family records purposes
· If a Jordanian looses or relinquishes his nationality, he, within 60 days shall surrender his family book and ID, his own, and members of the family loosing the nationality, to the concerned office or consulate abroad.
· The Jordanian who relinquished his nationality (unless obtained this nationality by acquisition of citizenship and left out previously) may restore Jordanian nationality by Cabinet's approval.