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Ministry of Public Sector Development
General Information

Brief Overview


The Ministry of Administrative Development, in coordination with other institutions, will assume the following tasks and duties:


1.        Draw the general policy for administrative development and lay the plans and programs needed to implement it.

2.        Develop the organizational structure of the public administration and organize its departments.

3.        Set the basis for the best methods of utilizing human resources in public offices and draw plans for their training and rehabilitation.

4.        Study projects for administrative regulatory systems and department organizational structures and offer consultancy.

5.        Coordinate with the General Budget Department and other departments to study their needs for jobs; follow-up on the proper adoption of job descriptions and classifications and set up employment tables based on these descriptions and classifications.

6.        Employ modern administration methods for better performance at the departments.

7.        Prepare databases on department personnel, and update and develop them periodically by employing the proper means.

8.        Issue a publication on administrative development issues.

9.        Offer consultancy on issues referred (to the Ministry) from other departments that fall under its authority.

10.    Any other tasks or duties entrusted by the Prime Minister or the Cabinet that are of relevance to the administrative development.


National Institute for Training

Administrative training is the most distinct feature of the administrative development dimensions. Training and development entail learning skills that are integral and fundamental in the development of human resources. Training allows mankind - the most important element in the production process - the use of technology, time, legislations, equipment and information.


Training is a structured ongoing process, the objective of which is to create behavioral, mental and technical changes to meet an individual’s specific work requirements. The most important and significant role of training for self-improvement is that it leads to developing a person’s motivation, giving him/her ambitions and incentives and a clear perspective of his/her abilities, capabilities and the roles he/she can play.


The National Institute for Training takes the lead in delivering administrative training for government and private institutes.


The Institute was first established in 1968 as the Institute of Public Administration. Guided by administrative management policies and the recommendations of the Jordanian government based on the Royal guiding principles of creating change in order to develop human resources, the new regulations/statutes of the National Institute for Training were issued which aim at contributing in the development of administrative management through training programs, workshops, conferences and specialized seminars at all administrative levels in fields of specializations needed by government institutes. The Institute also publishes and issues documents and promotional training materials that it exchanges these with other partiers. In addition, the Institute cooperates with private training institutes to apply training criteria adopted by the Institute. 


In line with the government's new outlook to develop administration in public institutions under the Royal guidance and within executive and developmental plans of the Economic Consultative Council (ECC), the Institute has worked on the development of legislation governing its activities in training government personnel, monitoring their performance, developing trainers' skills and looking into new trends in training and management away from traditional programs. In addition, the Institute has given priority to computer and English language training programs.


The Institute will regulate the above-mentioned within an integrated training path in technical and administrative areas. This accumulative approach will adopt building connections, enhancing learning, and developing one’s skills in order to comply with career path requirements.


To realize these modern directives, the Institute will have to exert maximum efforts and invest all given opportunities efficiently. Furthermore, to accomplish the highest degrees of reform and development, the Institute needs to cooperate with other government departments and strive under the Hashemite leadership for the betterment of this country.
