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Royal Scientific Society
General Information

RSS is the largest applied research institution and technical service provider in Jordan, boasting more than 600 members of staff working in the following  centers and departments;

·          Building Research Centre (BRC).

·          Electronic Services & Training Centre (ESTC).

·          Environmental Research Centre (ERC).

·          Information Technology Centre (ITC).

·          Mechanical Design & Technology Centre (MDTC).

·          Industrial Chemistry Centre (ICC).

·          Technology Transfer Centre.

·          Conformity Assessment Centre (CAC).

·          Quality Assurance Department (QAD).

·          Services and Maintenance Department


RSS has not only been blessed with stability, but also with the good fortune to stand at the forefront of technological innovation in Jordan. It is the premiere applied R&D institute in Jordan, offering consultation, testing & calibration services, and technical training. RSS has also been treading and paving fresh avenues of co-operation with prestigious research organizations worldwide. RSS is equipped with modern and internationally accredited laboratories and has well trained staff to ensure quality performance and professionalism.


Major fields of expertise include:-

·          Construction engineering

·          Maintenance & repair of medical equipment

·          Environmental Studies

·          Water & wastewater treatment

·          Radiation monitoring

·          Air quality management & control

·          Information Technology

·          Chemical analysis of gases, organic & inorganic substances

·        Physical, chemical and mechanical characterization of metals, plastics, food   materials & products.

·          Non-destructive testing

·          Quality control & certification products


The principal aims of RSS are:-

·          To support the development process in Jordan through R&D

·          To promote itself as a reference technical institution in Jordan & the region

·          To expand its role as a certification body for both skilled manpower and industrial products.

·          To strengthen cooperation with similar institutions to promote mutual interests.

·          To develop human resources

·          To encourage and support the start-up, incubation and development  of innovation-led knowledge-based businesses


The main functions of RSS are:-

·          To carry out studies and applied scientific research related to industry and environment, and to the various areas of development

·          To conduct economic and technical feasibility and analytical studies with regard to development projects that fall within RSS scope of competence

·          To carry out joint research with scientific, production-oriented and service institutions at the national, regional and international levels

·          To offer technological consultations and services, calibration and conformity assessment of locally produced and imported products.

·          The development of human resources through offering distinctive training courses.


RSS plays an important role in Jordanian society and the region at large and renders many services in its specialist fields:

·          RSS actively supports the Jordanian government by formulating opinions on issues involving research and technology policy, and is and advisor on new issues and controversial problems ( such as the chronic water shortage, food and beverage, technical specifications, earthquake engineering, radiation …etc.)

·          RSS represents Jordan on scientific and technical committees and boards and helps with the development of policies, strategies and measures.

·          Through its membership on dozens of scientific, industrial and academic boards, RSS exercises a variety of tasks in which its staff functions as independent experts. In the scope of technical committee work, for example, standards and specifications are prepared and developed which are essential to the safety and well-being of society.

·          RSS provides expert opinion on such important issues as building codes.

·          RSS’s research activity also draws attention to health and social problems. For example:- contamination of mother’s milk by pesticides.

·          The training that RSS offers is also of substantive benefit to society, for example:- the International Computer Driving License – ICDL certification programme is helping to create a new class of computer-literate teachers and public employees, which would reflect positively on the education system and go some way in greasing the wheels of government bureaucracy

·          RSS is active in building schools in remote areas with convenient specifications. Such projects are usually shunned by the private sector because of low profitability.
