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The Senate
General Information

On May 25, 1946, Jordan’s independence was declared, and in the same year, the first Jordanian constitution was issued, stipulating that the legislative power shall be vested in the National Assembly and the King, and that the National Assembly shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives.

Since 1946 twenty one Senates were formed.

The Senate, inclusive of its president, is composed of a number of senators that do not exceed half the number of the deputies of the House of Representatives.  Senate members are appointed directly by His Majesty the King within stipulations specified by the Constitution.  

President of the Senate:

The President of the Senate is appointed by His Majesty the King by a Royal Decree. The term of appointment is two years, and the President may be re-appointed.

Period of Membership:

Membership term in the Senate is four years, and the King may re-appoint members whose membership has expired.

The Senate Meetings:

Parliament sessions for both the Senate and the House of Representatives are simultaneous.

Official Quorum for the Senate Sessions:

The official quorum requires the presence of two thirds of the Senate. The session remains legal as long as the sweeping majority of the Senate members are present. The Senate adopts resolutions with the majority of the votes present, with the exception of the President, unless the Constitution stipulates otherwise. If there is a tie, the President will cast the winning vote.

Permanent Chamber of the Senate:

The permanent chamber of the Senate comprises the President and his two deputies and two assistants, whereby the deputies and assistants are elected for a period of two years.

a.        The two deputies: The first deputy undertakes the responsibilities and duties of the President of the Senate in his absence. The second deputy undertakes these responsibilities and duties in the absence of the President and the first deputy.

b.        The two assistants: They carry out the following:

1.        Assist the Senate President in running the sessions.

2.        Collect and sort votes and check the results of voting under the supervision of the President.

3.         Prepare the minutes of meetings for the Senate secret sessions, sign them and read out minutes and other statements as required.
