National Agricultural Research Center
National Agricultural Research Center
General Information
NARC is considered as the scientific arm of the Ministry of Agriculture and the only specialized governmental agricultural research institution at the national level, to constitute anational umbrella for applied agricultural research and governmental agricultural consultations. Since its early beginnings, NARC aimed at utilizing the outcomes of agricultural research that are developed locally or devised from other sources for the purposes of increasing agricultural production -both plant and animal- while improving its efficiency and quality and conserving the agricultural natural resources and optimizing their use, serving the purposes of agricultural development and ecological balance. NARC strives to achieve its goals through performing its multi desplinary functions as specified by article (5) of bylaw (42) for the year (1993) and its amendments.
The organizational structure of NARC is superintended by the council of this center, whose head is the minister of agriculture, and which includes the general director of the center as deputy of the chief of the council; the general secretary of the Higher Council for Science and Technology; the general secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture; a representative of the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation; a representative of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation; two of the deans of the agricultural faculties in the public Jordanian universities; dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the University of Science and Technology, chief of the Jordanian Agricultural Engineers Association;chief of the Jordanian Farmers Union, and two persons with specialization and expertise in the agricultural field.
The headquarters of NARC is located in Ain Al-Basha, in Al-Balqa Governorate. It supervises Al-Hussein Agricultural Research Station, in addition to eight research centers and 14 research stations covering the diverse ecosystems in Jordan according to climate distribution.
For many decades, NARC has implemented applied scientific research in many areas, most notably plant production, plant protection, animal production, veterinary medicine, climate change, non-traditional water use in irrigation (greywater and other treated wastewater), water harvesting, genetic engineering, biotechnology, biodiversity, selection of species and strains, and diagnosis of plant and animal pests and diseases. NARC has (11) specialized research laboratories for soil analysis, water analysis, plant analysis, plant protection and phytosanitary, fertilizer analysis, micro-organisms, fodder, bees, nematodes, biotechnology and vegetables. NARC headquarters has a herbarium and a seed bank. NARC is considered the official incubator of the national seed bank, the national herbarium and the national library for agricultural information.
Center of Excellence in agricultural scientific research to achieve sustainable development.
We work with our partners to enhance the center’s role as a national umbrella for agricultural research to achieve sustainable, resilient development and optimal use of natural resources.
Core Values
(1) Excellence
(2) Innovation and creativity
(3) Transparency
(4) Knowledge Management
(5) Participation
(6) Social Responsibility
The functions of NARC were specified by article (5) of bylaw no. (42) for the year (2018) as follows:
- Determining, in cooperation with the stakeholders, the priorities of the national agricultural scientific research that serve the agricultural development purposes.
- Devising and adopting the agricultural technology that is appropriate for the local environment and approving it to achieve the optimum utilization of the productive resources.
- Disseminating the transferred, adapted, and developed agricultural technologies to the related parties.
- Developing the skills of the people working in the agricultural sector and conducting specialized training courses, conferences, and workshops.
- Cooperating with the local, Arab, and international organizations for conducting agricultural research programs.
- Providing consultations and technical services in the agricultural field.
- Performing field studies & surveys of animal and plant biodiversity with the purpose of preserving them from distinction and extinction. In addition to keeping and supervising plant seeds in the national seed bank in the center.
- Supervising the national agricultural information library.
Contact Information
- Address
- Amman, Al-Baqa, Rajab Al-Selebi street, opposite the Satellite Station, Building No. 2
- Telephone
- +962-6-4725071
- ZIP Code
- 19381
- Website
- Fax
- +962-6-4726099