Water Authority

General Information

WAJ was originally established in 1983, pursuant to the Water Authority Law No.34 of 1983 (temporary law), as an autonomous corporate body, with financial and administrative independence named the Water Authority, it was directly linked with the Prime Minister. The main feature of this law was that the Water Authority took over all responsibilities of the entities responsible for water and wastewater. According to Article 23 of the said law the Water Authority was responsible for the public water supply and wastewater services, as well as for the overall water resources planning and monitoring. Furthermore, it took over all responsibilities of the former:


1           Amman Water and Sewerage Authority.

2           Drinking Water Corporation.

3           Natural Resources Authority’s:

3.1      Irrigation Directorate.

3.2      Water Studies Directorate.

3.3      Drilling Directorate.

4           Jordan Valley Authority’s:

4.1      Irrigation Directorate.

4.2      Hydrology Directorate.

4.3      Dams Directorate.

5           Water and Wastewater Divisions.

6           Water Divisions of the municipalities of the Kingdom.


The permanent Water Authority Law No.18 of 1988 replaced the said law. According to Article 3, WAJ was established as an autonomous corporate body, with financial and administrative independence linked with Minister of Water and Irrigation. WAJ carries full responsibility for the public water supply, wastewater services and related projects as well as for the overall water resources planning and monitoring, construction, operations and maintenance. The responsibilities of WAJ are defined in the said law and are briefly described hereafter:


1.        Survey the different water resources, conserve them, determine ways, means and priorities for their implementation and use.

2.        Develop the potential water resources in the Kingdom, increase their capacity and improve their quality, protect them from pollution, supervise them and administer their affairs and put forth programs and plans to meet future water needs by providing additional water resources from inside or outside the Kingdom and through the use of water treatment and desalination.

3.        Regulate, and advise on, the construction of public and private wells, investigate ground water resources, drill exploratory, reconnaissance, and production wells, and license well drilling rigs and drillers.

4.        Study, design, construct, operate, maintain, and administer water and public sewerage projects including collecting, purifying, treating, disposing and the use of any other methods dealing with water.

5.        Draw terms, specifications and special requirements in relation to the preservation of water and water basins, protect them from pollution, and ascertain the safety of water and sewerage structures, public and private distribution and disposal networks, and take the necessary action to ensure technical control and supervision, including all necessary tests.

6.        Carry out theoretical and applied research and studies regarding water and public sewerage to achieve the Authority’s objectives including the preparation of approved water quality standards for different uses and technical specifications concerning materials and construction in order to apply the findings to the Authority’s projects in coordination with other concerned departments; and publish the final findings and standards so as to generalize their application by all means available to the Authority.

7.        Issue permits to engineers and licensed professionals to perform public water and sewerage works; and participates in organizing special training courses to qualify them in order to improve the standard of such works and to reduce water losses and pollution. All those involved in water and sewerage works are requested to adjust their practice in accordance with the provisions of this Article and to obtain the specified permit accordingly.

8.        Regulate the uses of water, prevent its waste, and conserve its consumption.

Eighteen Directorates under the directive of eight Assistant Secretary Generals (Water Affairs, Sewerage Affairs, Technical Affairs, Regional Affairs (Southern, Middle and Northern Region), Financial Affairs, Administrative Affairs), as well as five Units directly subordinated to the Secretary General fulfill the said functions. WAJ Programme Management Unit (PMU) regulates water supply and wastewater utilities under private management.

The organizational structure of the Authority (WAJ Organizational Chart) is strictly centralized. The regional branches of WAJ in the Governorates are fully dependant on WAJ headquarters with respect to human resources management, workshop services and billing.


Contact Information

  • Address
  • Shmeisani behind the Marriott Hotel, Jabir bin Hayan Street, Building No. 5
  • ZIP Code
  • 11183


Government Entities

  • Prime Ministry

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    Government Agencies