Jordan, Iraq starts implementing MoU in ICT

Amman, Feb. 9 (Petra)

  Jordan and Iraq started implementing articles of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) recently signed in information and communications technology (ICT) areas.

The MoU was signed last Thursday by Minister of Information and Communication Technology Minister Muthana Gharaibeh and his Iraqi counterpart Naim Al-Rubaie, who is currently visiting the Kingdom to get a first-hand look at the latest developments of this sector in Jordan.

The two ministers discussed mechanisms and steps to move forward in implementing the memorandum, study prospects of technology-transfer to Iraq as well as ways to enhance cooperation and explore investment opportunities to contribute in developing ICT sector and internet services in both countries.

The two officials held meetings with leading ICT companies in Jordan, including Zain, Orange, Umniah, Al-Nayi, Damamax and VTEL Jordan companies, to explore investment opportunities between the two countries in ICT field.

Gharaibeh said his ministry is working to open the way for leading Jordanian companies in the ICT sector to cooperate and share development know-how with Iraqi government its private sector.

Meetings with the Jordanian ICT companies also aim to pass Internet capacity through the border crossings between the two countries as a first stage.

The signed MoU between the two brotherly countries is the start of a broader cooperation in all fields, Gharaibeh said, adding that the ICT sector has become a necessity and a key priority for all which contributes directly to the development of all sectors.

Under the directives of His Majesty and the Prime Minister, Jordan "is fully ready" to share practical experience and insights on digital transformation with our brothers in Iraqi , the minister stressed.

Al-Rubaie commended rapid growth and development in Jordan’s ICT sector, as well as companies investing in this sector, urging his country’s companies to benefit from Kingdom’s experiences in these areas to develop Iraq’s infrastructure.

The two sides agreed to maintain coordination meetings to follow up the implementation of the MoU articles and harness maximum benefit for both countries.

//Petra// WH // S Kh